Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kitchen Table Transformation

So after celebrating my husband agreeing to me transforming the room if began to do my research! 
my inspiration: 

Yes found it on Pinterest! These retail $700+ as a set and $400 table alone, clearly I didn't have that much money for my entire room makeover! Plan B goodwill, Salvation Army & craigslist! my goal was to find a solid wood table that could be restained and painted! 

After 3 days of nonstop phone calls and research I came across table on craigslist! it was ONLY $50!!!!!

I had to have it, just like a little kid in a toy store! I saw so much potential I couldn't wait to get started!  
what you will need: 
patience (maybe a prayer or 2 haha)
Power Sander (coarse,medium,&fine grain paper)  
Liquid Deglosser 
Spray paint 
Sealer (top coat must be glossy) 
wax (very end)  

Step 1: The top
Notice: Sander applies to stained surfaces ONLY, if you decide to paint with a solid color...SKIP THIS STEP
What a pain in my rear end this was, years of overlapped stain on the top gave it a splotchy look! I tired a strip (bad idea), then decided to go with old fashion sanding. Went to my dad's house and stole his sander (sorry dad) haha! First go over it with the coarse then medium and last fine to ensure an extra smooth surface.   

step 2: the bottom 
Since I just wanted to paint over the existing stain I chose a deglosser! Why? it's super easy and takes off the shine so the paint better adheres to the surface. (same as a sander) 

Pour the liquid onto a clean cloth and generously spread onto the surface. Allow 30 min dry time, if you wait more than an hour you will have to reapply this process requires immediate action.  
once it's dry wear your mask and spray away! (Shake well and do light even coats, to avoid drips)  Then apply your top coat (water friendly highly recommended because it will be INDOORS and will eventually be cleaned) 
cover the base with a clean flat sheet or old towels and let's move on! 

step 3: back to the top! 
Last but not least, time to stain the top! clean off the surface with a damp rag to remove and dust or debris! I used sponge tipped brushes and a flag resealable Tupperware (turkey bologna packaging!
 dip your brush and use even strokes! your goal is to not overlap, and not have drip marks dry in between. 
finally apply top coat (mandatory) and wax after the top is dry for added shine (optional) it allows for easier cleanup!  

I did not wax only because I chose to add a glass top to mine! found it on craigslist for $30 with drop off!  

It fit like a glove! I for once felt so accomplished it was the best feeling in the world! plus the entire project cost $90 (I had old spray cans and deglosser)   

will post the final picture once the room is completed! 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wedding day in a nutshell

I'm feeling very project happy! Two posts in one day (pat on my back)! Alright everyone here's a great way to cherish one of the most life changing snd happiest days (I hope) haha. 

Brace your selves...ready? 
My Wedding Collage

This was very fun to make all you need is:
-boxed frame (tj maxx)  
-hammer & nails
-your wedding invite 
-few straight pins 
-and anything else sentimental 
-oh and your imagination 😊 
Tj Max Finds

First: Organize 
seperate all your belongings into categories. (ie, pictures, jewelry, pins, scrapbook paper, sayings etc.) 

Second: Arrange 
Arrange your items to your liking, your goal is to create a story. 
**Tip, Clutter free is the way to go you want the person to be able to clearly see every aspect.  

Third: Pin 
pin all your goodies so when held upward everything is secured. 
** less is more! the less pins the better, again this goes with the clutter free goal. Arrange your artifacts so they overlap around corners so instead of pinning one thing you hit a few! 

Fourth: Hang 
Attach a string to create an easy hang  frame. Usually with lighter frames I use yarn and with heavier frames I use wire! both work great! 

Fifth: Your done! 
Just hang and enjoy! 
Added a string to the back

 I placed this in my bedroom along with a few other details to really add more to the story! !  

Loved how it turned out!
Take two!

Hope this helps! would love to see what you've done! Also appreciate and value your feedback! Pin and hashtag your frame #inspiredbyannae

The entry way solution

Me like many, I have a free for all entry way! Husband walks in and somehow mistakes the floor for the closet (lol). After 3 years of tripping over coats, staining coats, and mopping my floor with his coats I decided to attack the problem.
 Genious solution= Shelf+ Hangers! 

With my beautiful flat faced assistant Lola! 
What you'll need: 
-measuring tape 
-shelf with hangers (could buy seperate)
*purchased at kohls for $34 (after 30% discount)  

First find your studs, you need a stable place to achor your shelf. Start hitting your wall and compare a hollow sound (no stud) to solid sound (stud) mark your
points while holding your shelf (use your level BEFORE drilling! Then drill on your screws and hang! 

**OPTIONAL: if your paranoid like some nails. 

Finally test your new sturdy shelf! I had my cat help out haha! and there you have it, a simple solution that will keep your sanity! 😂 


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Diy Coffee Nook

Great space for America's most loved morning beverage...COFFEE! 

The inspiration! 
 I figured mornings are using a rush for many people. Whether is school, work, or just a busy day its always efficient to have a designated area for your morning beverage. Found this on Pinterest, and i HAD TO HAVE IT! 

Click here!
After googling a few keywords finally came across the exact shelf! It was 50% off which was a plus, i went ahead and ordered it. 
Also added a few touches: 
Letter "c" from hobby lobby- Like this one better  
existing tea cups- Great sets found here
My Bosch Tassimo - Tassimo Brewers  

All i need is a cute console and i'm set! Still in Progress! Will post updates soon!

Almost done!