About Me

Welcome! I'm Anna Elbaba and i'm the creator of this blog! I have my wonderful husband Al, and my flat faced Persian helper Lola. I'm a graduate from the University of Toledo majoring in Supply Chain Management and Minoring in Marketing. I was the Assistant Manager for Guess? Inc for quite a while, this event is key in my life because it helped build my character. I'm this quirky outgoing individual who absolutely loves to learn! When i moved into my home after i got married (july 2011) i just had to design and decorate the entire thing. Now if i were a millionaire i would just buy the first thing i see on the shelf to fit my needs...well reality then sets in and i realize that's not going to happen. So why not build it!  

 "if you cant have it, MAKE IT!" 

How i did it? I would watch tutorials and do it all myself, some projects took minutes, hours, days, and even months but eventually felt accomplished when i see my finished product. And thats how it all began, friends and family would see my work and ask me how i did it. Time and time again i finally realized why not blog! 

I value your opinion! Please feel free comment on any of my blogs, be kind and fair to those around you. Also feel free to private message me either on Facebook or email aelbaba09@gmail.com.

Notice: Hashtags allow me to view your work, or a picture please feel free to hashtag #inspiredbyannae so that i could help you with a project or simply give an opinion! Appreciate your participation! God Bless.

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